
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Letting the rage flow 

A lefty blogger thinks he has spotted George W. Bush drinking alcohol -- a South American drink called a pisco sour, which is, by the way, excellent -- and the commenters go bananas. I've never hated anybody the way these guys hate Bush, even as the sun sets on his term. It really is extraordinary.


By Blogger JPMcT, at Mon Nov 24, 12:02:00 AM:

The comments are truly insane. Just out of fairness, I left a comment that they can have their fun with this, but after a year or two of Obama, they will be lucky to afford a bottle of Ripple without their government handout check.

The comment was posted and then removed a short time later.

I guess they like their insanity undiluted.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 12:19:00 AM:

This could never happen with President Obama (PBUH) because Muslims do not drink alcohol.  

By Blogger Brian, at Mon Nov 24, 12:55:00 AM:

I didn't bother to click the link, but I personally despise Bush so much that I'm mad at him for handling the transition in a reasonable manner, thereby depriving me of my parting-shot vindication.

I'm betting he'll do something contemptible with the pardon power, though (can't let Clinton beat him there). Shrub will come through.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 05:36:00 AM:

Hatred's pretty thin gruel to sustain your life with, especially towards somebody as eminently unhateable as Dubya. I despised Bill Clinton, but hatred? Why waste my anger and energy?

These people are going to find themselves with empty lives in years to come unless they either find another object of hate (probably not hard if they've built up the habits over eight years) or they learn some perspective.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 06:29:00 AM:

A perceptive comment by Mr. Skubinna, though I quibble with the semantics of its major point: Hatred is clearly not thin gruel with which to sustain one's life, as far too many people obviously use it thusly. However, it is exceedingly thin gruel with which to sustain any type of balanced, happy, and productive life.  

By Blogger Dawnfire82, at Mon Nov 24, 08:03:00 AM:

Perpetual adolescents, raging at authority figures in echo chambers policed by fellow true believers.


I used to be considered a liberal, you know, and it's whacked out morons like them that are probably most responsible for changing that.  

By Blogger Mystery Meat, at Mon Nov 24, 09:08:00 AM:

This all began with the "stolen" election of 2000 and went downhill from there. A significant number of people never accepted the election of GWB and have since done their best to thwart and demonize his every move. Too bad he made it so easy for them.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 09:51:00 AM:

Muslims claim not to drink alcohol. We do know, however, that Obama admits to having used drugs in the ppast and claims to have stopped. Well, we know he's lied about smoking.
Let's set up an "Obama Is On The Pipe Again" watch. He is lazy and has never worked hard at anything. The pressures of the White House will get to him quickly and he'll begin looking haggard and acting cranky within six months. He will take refuge in his old drug habit. Watch for it!
BTW, drugs will probably come from Chicago from his old friends, delivered via Emanuel or from some one local that Marion Berry recommends.  

By Blogger Charles, at Mon Nov 24, 10:14:00 AM:

If Bush has tasted alcohol recently, it was here.

>>In 2005, President Bush became the first American president to "drink fermented mare's milk in a felt tent guarded by the latter-day Golden Horde and a herd of camels and yaks."


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 10:42:00 AM:

"These people are going to find themselves with empty lives in years to come unless they either find another object of hate." They've already got that covered. Their deranged hatred of Sarah Palin will keep them going without a hiccup. Goody  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 10:50:00 AM:

George W Bush, in my view, has been the worst President in my lifetime. LBJ, Nixon and Carter all had big failings, but W tops them tham all.

I'm a moderate libertarian ... what we used to call a conservative ... who voted for W in 2000. W lost me over Iraq ... we were lied to ... and then he really, really lost me over the prescription drug benefit and Cheney's belief that "deficits don't matter."

Bush 's personal failure was getting rolled by Cheney and others who had personal agendas that pre-dated 9/11. W & Co have brought us a larger and frighteningly fiscally irresponsible federal government. I could go on with just about domestic failures ... without ever raising the wisdom of our invading Iraq.

The hatred of Bush in this country is broad and deep, as a result. It created the environment for the ultimate anti-Bush to get elected ... so that we now have the most leftist President in office that I can recall. Mission accomplished, indeed ...

Unless and until folks on the right process this ... the Republican party will be lost in the wilderness. Harping on silly anti-Bush stories is just denial.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 12:04:00 PM:

It seems the haters are everywhere. President Obama may have run a "positive" campaign, but the left ran an extremely "negative" one against President Bush, starting more than eight years ago. Nothing reasonable can be the source of such hatred.  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 12:24:00 PM:

There are extremists on both sides. When Clinton was in office there was an organized effort to attack him personally. Bill wasn't a paragon of virtue, but he was smeared with scurrilous rumors and special prosecutor attacks that were trumped up and exaggerated. The Lewinsky affair was a bad precedent for all future Presidents. There are reports that had Bill not been weakened, he and Newt were poised to make big and necessary spending reforms happen. A weak President is a threat to us all ... attacks on policy are fair game ... but when we attack the President on personal grounds we all stand to lose.

I don't hate W personally, and don't think he's a bad person ... just a bad President. Why ... he let Karl Rove extend the campaign into the practice of governing. He let Cheney roll him on anything and everything. The result was an eight year Presidency that was anything but conservative or libertarian ... so even folks like Warren Buffet turned to Obama.

If the right wants to regain power, in my view, they have to process where they went wrong. They've lost whole swaths of America because of this. A party of only Rush's ditto heads and religious fundamentalists will be a party in the wilderness.


By Blogger SR, at Mon Nov 24, 12:44:00 PM:

There you go again.
Let's have some examples of where Bush was "rolled" by Cheney, and what the outcome of the rolling was.
I guess Cheney caused 9/11 and Katrina.

Prescription drugs and No Child Left Behind were big expansions of federal spending, but nothing to justify such vilification.  

By Blogger Georg Felis, at Mon Nov 24, 02:15:00 PM:

Another reason Anonymous comments drive me nuts. How can you complain that Karl Rove extended the campaign into the practice of governing after living with the eight-year political campaign of Clinton, and the absolutely weak defense the Bush administration has put up for its political decisions over the last four years?

*sigh* Moonbat or just uninformed?  

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Nov 24, 05:34:00 PM:

Bush Haters, of any political persuasion, are mental midgets and/or lemmings. We are in a fight of biblical proportions, for all the marbles and Bush haters can only think of economics, global warming and whether we were 'justified' in Iraq? What good is an unemployment rate of 2% and a green environment if you are killed for being an Infidel? Morons. Bush has it right.  

By Blogger Assistant Village Idiot, at Mon Nov 24, 09:35:00 PM:

Too many anonymi. In an interesting irony, they are often the folks whose tone suggests that they speak for many others. No sense in responding.  

By Blogger Dawnfire82, at Tue Nov 25, 10:47:00 AM:

What an interesting psychological point...  

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